Take The Blinders Off

Don't make the horse racing mistake unless you know where the finish line is

Change is hard.

It’s easy to stay on the same track.

That’s why race horses wear blinders – so they don’t get distracted by competition, but focus on the race that’s right in front of them.

That’s really helpful when the path to victory and accomplishment is clear… but that’s almost never the case in business (or life, for that matter).

That’s why you need to take the blinders off every now and then.

Envisioning a new path requires creativity. You need to blend imagination and wisdom together to envision a bright new future for your business.

Some people are gifted as visionaries and don’t need to work hard to see what the business could and should be. But a lot of us business owners are so buried in day-to-day tasks that it’s hard to create space for imagination.

If that sounds like you, create that space in your life this week. Your business needs you to have vision.

Where and when are you going to make space for envisioning?

Onward and upward,
Simon Trask

(I’m a small business owner, advisor, and advocate – learn more here)

Simon is author and founder of Profit Hiker: 11 Trails to gain lasting elevation in your business. Find the book right here and the program over there.