Monuments For Your Future Self

How trailside rock piles can help you run your business

Hikers often create “cairns” which are small rock piles to reassure other hikers that they are on the right path.

These cairns also serve as a monument to prior success. Somebody was there, and did that. It’s the hiker’s equivalent to a trophy for making it that far.

You can do this in your business.

Build some cairns along your trail to mark your accomplishments.

Celebrate all your wins, even the small ones. Use whatever memento method that gets you going. Is it Post-It notes on the bathroom mirror? A running list on the white board? A team huddle-up to announce and celebrate together?

When you go to check your backtrail, you will see the cairns along the trailside that prove that what you’re doing is worth the effort and encourage you to keep going.

Remember that you are a Profit Hiker – so what is the next mountain you will climb?

Onward and upward,
Simon Trask