How To Hike

Exactly what it takes to gain elevation (in life and business)

Do you know what it takes to be a hiker? All you have to do is start hiking! If you are hiking a flat, half-mile trail around a pond, you are a hiker. If you are climbing Mount Everest, you are a hiker.

(And when your hike is finished, aren’t you always glad you did it?)

At Profit Hiker, we use hiking as a metaphor for building your business (the right way), because hiking takes effort AND hiking is worth it. So is your business.

In the Profit Hiker book and program, I lay out the 11 different trails that you can take to make your business more profitable. Not necessarily BIGGER or more noticeable, but specifically more profitable.

Once you have the trail map and know where the trailhead is, it’s up to you to take the journey.

So when should you do it, and how long should it take? That answer depends entirely on your specific situation. The hike, the trail and the hiker will always be different, but the hiking process is always the same.

Here are the steps a hiker needs to take in order to embark on a new journey:

  1. Study the trails

  2.  Pick a trail

  3. Prepare for the hike

  4. Find the trailhead

  5. Start hiking

You might have some ideas cooking already about a trail you need to take, inspired by the journeys that other businesses have taken (or by my book or program!). If that is you, that’s fantastic – don’t lose this mental momentum. Pick that trail and start planning.

Time to gear up.

Onward and upward,
Simon Trask

Simon is author and founder of Profit Hiker: 11 Trails to gain lasting elevation in your business. Find the book right here and the program over there.