Hacking Your Own Brain

Use this psychological tendency to push your business forward

A quick win can generate momentum.

Don’t take my word for it, it’s called “science”…

According to the Harvard Business Review, There is a human response called “Completion Bias”, where we gain mental momentum by completing tasks.

When you have a big project at hand, you might tackle a small task right off the bat just to feel the sensation of accomplishment before starting on the larger, longer, or more complicated tasks.

Dave Ramsey agrees with this approach in his “Debt Snowball” strategy for paying off small debts before tackling large debts, even though it might make more sense financially to do the opposite.

Don’t fight Completion Bias, rather use it to your advantage.

Find a quick win today: what’s one quick task you’ve been putting off?

Onward and upward,
Simon Trask

(I’m a small business owner, advisor, and advocate – learn more here)

Simon is author and founder of Profit Hiker: 11 Trails to gain lasting elevation in your business. Find the book right here and the program over there.